Course Code: NL-02
New Life | New Language Program is a complete ESL program, in three levels, designed to help you adjust to your new life in the United States. Teaching approach utilizes a fusion of the direct method and the communicative method where new grammar and vocabulary is first introduced via structured speaking drills, then relaxed into a conversational style to fully internalize the new material. Additionally, lesson topics focus on getting to know the American life and culture with useful tips and tricks to help you get around your new life and home.
Course Description
Level 2 continues to build upon the existing foundation to expand vocabulary while introducing more complex grammar and sentence structures. By the end of this course, students can satisfactorily function in most day-to-day situations and social settings.
Course Textbook
- Please refer to syllabus provided by instructor
Course Structure
Please refer to syllabus
- Completion of NL level 1, or equivalent placement.